International convention of young leaders of CIS member states
For schoolchildren of grades 8-11, students, young scientists, engineers and IT specialists, entrepreneurs and startups of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
"Digital Partnership"
From June 15 -
at the end of the Convention
June 22 - September 06
October 21–23

with a "virtual exhibition" of projects, International Award of IT solutions for the countries of the commonwealth "DIGITAL NOMINATION"
From June 15 - at the end of the Convention
Free master classes from experts and mentors of the Convention
* Links are sent to those registered for the Convention

** Classes will be open until the end of the Convention in a free format for viewing on the you-tube channel and on this website
"School of Hackathons" - certificate No. 019-009087 dated 07.11.2019, ISBN 978-5-4472-8588-3). This technique today as an educational tool has no analogues both in the Russian-speaking and in the international space.
Winning teams go to Online Accelerator
August 27-29, 2021
Project teams competition *
August 30 - September 23, 2021
Two-month educational tracking program for the development of projects at different stages readiness - with digital technologies (digital products, digital services, digital platforms, marketplaces) demanded by consumers in the CIS markets and in the world

October 21-23, 2021
Digital Forum with a "virtual exhibition" of projects , International award of IT solutions for the Commonwealth countries "DIGITAL NOMINATION"
Fashion Tech
AI, Cyber, DataScience
Anti Covid
Culture Code
Сertificates of the participant

Expert opinion on the project for accelerators, incubators and investors in the form of a document

Investments and resources for the project


Job offers and employment

Merch and gifts from partners

Development of the project team-attraction of specialists

Site for piloting the project

Development of a prototype for the first sales

Entering the CIS markets
Сertificates of the participant

Expert opinion on the project for accelerators, incubators and investors in the form of a document

Investments and resources for the project


Job offers and employment
Merch and gifts from partners

Development of the project team-attraction of specialists

Site for piloting the project

Development of a prototype for the first sales

Entering the CIS markets
Сertificates of the participant

Expert opinion on the project for accelerators, incubators and investors in the form of a document

Investments and resources for the project


Job offers and employment
Merch and gifts from partners

Development of the project team-attraction of specialists

Site for piloting the project

Development of a prototype for the first sales

Entering the CIS markets
Сertificates of the participant

Expert opinion on the project for accelerators, incubators and investors in the form of a document

Investments and resources for the project


Job offers and employment
Merch and gifts from partners

Development of the project team-attraction of specialists

Site for piloting the project

Development of a prototype for the first sales

Entering the CIS markets
Russian Federation:

85 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including: 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 3 cities of federal significance, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts
Full members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):

Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan.
Russian Federation
Republic of Belarus
Kyrgyz Republic
Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Tajikistan
Republic of Uzbekistan
Republic of Armenia
Republic of Azerbaijan
Republic of Turkmenistan
Republic of Moldova
  • Arseny Uralov
    Chairman of the CIS Digital Development Committee, President of the Association of Accelerators and Business Incubators
  • Kirill Nasonov
    Head of the Regional Coordination Department digitalization, Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation
  • Andrey Filippovich
    Dean of the IT Faculty, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
    Professor of the Department of Information Cognitive Technologies of MosPolytech
    Head of Methodology and GR
    Dep. R&D WSR ("WorldSkills Russia")
    Mentor of the Higher School of Engineering RUT (MIIT)
    Member of the working group of ANO Digital Economy, member of the UMC of the Ministry of Education
    "Human Resources for the Digital Economy" Member of the Council, expert of FUMO "Informatics and VT"
  • Vladimir Ganshin
    Head of Technopark RSSU, certified WorldSkills expert in Additive Manufacturing, chief regional expert in Moscow in category "Junior", coach of the Russian national team
  • Sergey Zavyalov
    Expert of the Working Group on Appeal with wastes of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, expert of the laboratory for the study of financial, managerial and technological foundations of the circular economy of the Institute of Civil Service and the management of the RANEPA
  • Oleg Nazarov-Bruni
    20 years of experience in Marketing Communications and AdTech. Created the first CPA networks in Russia. Founder of CPAExchange, BetweenExchange, Auditorius, HubRus, ViHub platforms.independent director, consultant, head of the department of innovative products for B2B Beeline
  • Alexander Semenov
    Executive Director of the Industry Union "Neuronet"
    Member of the Council of ANO "Laboratory" Sensor-Tech "
    Founder of the Association of Participants for the Development of Educational Neurotechnologies Neuroeducation
  • Natalia Smirnova
    FinTech expert, Forbes analyst
    Director for Investments, Relations with Business Angels and Venture Funds CEO of Personal Adviser company
    Winner of the Global Financial Planning Awards 2015 and 2016 - the best financial advisor on European region

  • Yuri Abramov
    Former head of the Federal Agency for Technological Development, member of the Commission under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on dual-use products, expert in the military-industrial complex.
  • Alexander Gavryushenko
    Director of the Center for the Development of Technological Projects and Entrepreneurship, head of the federal acceleration program TechNet Project, business mentor of the Youth Support Fund entrepreneurship AGAT, expert of the Bortnik Foundation, business developer
  • Ivan Yurin
    - has implemented more than 20 IT and engineering projects.
    - an expert on entrepreneurship and IT: the Innovation Promotion Fund, the Central Russian Economic Forum, the competition "My country - My Russia", the school of the personnel reserve of the defense industry complex " Technospetsnaz ", Agency for Strategic Initiatives.
  • Ilya Timoshin
    Expert of Digital Communications
    Chairman of the Union of Business People of the Russian Federation
  • Ivan Chikunov
    - WSR (WorldSkills Russia) "Digital Transformation" competency manager;
    - WorldSkills Russia "Web Design and Development" competency expert;
    - WorldSkills Russia competency developer Cyber security ";
    - member of the expert group" Monitoring research and assessment of digital literacy and competencies "and" Professional qualifications "(FP" Personnel for the digital economy ");
    - co-founder of the Sensformat startup ;
    - member of the ASI Regional Expert Group "Education and Personnel" (Moscow);
    - trained over 500 people in IT areas.
  • Ilya Volnov
    KTN, director (TSPO) of the Moscow Poly, associate professor. Researcher at the Technical University "Mining Academy" in Freiberg (Germany). Developer of the author's direction Science-Art and educational programs based on it. Media artist. Curator of Science-Art exhibition projects.
  • Bogdan Ragulin
    Head of the Center for Innovative Projects of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI)
    Member of the Board of the National Association of the Russian Robotics Market (NAURR)
  • Artem Kukharenko
    Founder of the Artel of programmers of the Russian Federation
    Entrepreneur in the field digital marketing and technology.
    CEO, founder, member of the Board of Directors of several companies.
    Trademarks - Regium / iAGE
  • Roman Bondarenko
    President of the Association for the Implementation of Innovations in 3D Education,
    Head of the Future Engineers of the Country fund, head of the 3D laboratory Education CSTI SPbPU
  • Nikita Utkin
    Занимает руководящие должности в Платформе НТИ и Аналитическом центре при Правительстве Российской Федерации
    Председатель национального технического комитета по стандартизации цифровых технологий 194 «Кибер-физические системы».
    Руководит процессом участия Российской Федерации в Международной электротехнической комиссии (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC, МЭК) и Международной организации по стандартизации (International Organization for Standardization, ISO, ИСО) по наиболее перспективным технологическим направлениям
  • Evgeny Pavlov
    Industrial Partner (Automotive), Yandex, Lecturer at the MBA program, RANEPA, Marketing Director for Northern Europe, Inchcape PLC Automotive distributor and retailer
  • Vitaly Morozov
    Deputy Director of the Moscow State University Science Park, head of the competition "Sh.U.S.T.R.I.K."
  • Vadim Peskov
    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Co-founder and CEO of Robohod LLC, founder of the educational robotic platform, leader of the Lunar Engineers project
  • Sergey Dugin
    Expert ArtTech Director, Moscow fund for the preservation of culture (Moscow City Hall Fund)
  • Tatyana Karpova
    Director on development at Copter Express, UAV expert at WorldSkills
  • Mikhail Abakumov
    Project Manager, Science of the Future - Science of the Young, Vuzpromexpo Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation
  • Ilya Altabaev
    Head of work at Inconsult K LLC, program director of the Science of the Future - Science of the Young Forum and the VUZPROMEXPO exhibition
  • Oksana Klimenko
    President of the Project Alliance Association, - Member of the Program Committee of the 30th IPMA World Congress
  • Yuri Kardonov
    - COO and Co-founder of the short video platform with direct monetization NUTSon (
    - CEO and Founder of the application laboratory and development studio in the field of neurotechnology and virtual reality
    - Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics Minor "Startup from scratch"
    - Expert of SberUniversity programs
  • Vyacheslav Barbasov
    Technology entrepreneur CEO of CyberDrone Group,, (LLC "Filming from the Air" and others)
    Head of the industry association "Russian UAVs"
    Visionary, analyst, expert of Aeronet market
  • Vyacheslav Kravtsov
    Resident of the Skolkovo Technopark, co-founder of the RBOT group for over 20 years in the service robotics industry
  • Yulia Dzhebrailova
    Co-founded spruce and CTO of Robohod LLC Expert of the corporate championship of Roscosmos on WorldSkills standards in the competence "electronics
  • Natalya Shurina
    Head of youth innovation and infrastructure programs and projects at the Innovation Promotion Foundation
  • Katerina Stenkina
    Director of digital edtech projects, Foxford Online School
  • Anna Smolyar
    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, author of a blog on Instagram @biotomia, teacher of authoring courses in chemistry and biology
  • Anastasia Ovcharova
    Russian language teacher, Mesivta Lyubavich, co-editor of the methodology for the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • Evgenia Gorkina
    Expert in Marketing Communications
    Author and host of programs on Mediametrics
  • Alexander Khrebtov
    Vice President, National Technological Chamber Expert of Creative
    Industries, international developer of TRIZ standards
  • Arslan Kurbanmagomedov
    Arslan Kurbanmagomedov Editor-in-Chief, Scientific and Practical Journal "System Technologies"
  • Nikolay Vinogradov
    Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
  • Anton Ostrovsky
    Dean of the Faculty of Management of the Russian State Social University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
  • Dmitry Orlov
    Head of Partner Relations at the Neuronet Industry Union, monitoring center for the UMNIK-NTI competition on the Neuronet topic.
  • Алексей Назаров
    A business consultant and trainer in the field of sales management, business performance management solutions, anti-crisis management. Lecturer at MIRBIS and Moscow Business School. The author of the models of the management pyramid and the assessment of the sales system.
  • Marina Asmolova
    Candidate of Economic Sciences Vadim Peskov, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics of the Russian Academy of National Economy
    and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, business coach, consultan
  • Валерий Быков
    Доцент кафедры управления фирмой и кафедры национальной экономики ВШКУ РАНХиГС
    Кандидат экономических наук, Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет,2002, Математические и инструментальные методы экономики
    Эксперт рынка FinTech
An educational program for the formation of projects with digital technologies at different stages of readiness, in demand among consumers in the CIS markets
Communication of leaders of innovative, digital and technological development of the CIS.
Exchange expertise in new technologies, new markets, digital technologies
Formation of transnational, supranational teams of developers of digital projects with the implementation of solutions in the economies of the CIS countries
Program of "softlanding" of international researchers, teams, projects in the subjects of innovation infrastructure (business incubators, accelerators, technology parks, centers of social innovation, etc.) CIS
Search for high-tech projects (including social innovation) to strengthen scientific and technological development, as the best practices for "digital partnership" - digital products, services, platforms
Development of an ecosystem of cooperation among partners and target audience in the development of digital high-tech logical projects
A permanent digital navigator and a map of digital transformation cases in the CIS.

The feature of the format is that the online showcase is complemented by 3d reviews and video reviews of real "testers" of the product.

Accelerator members get the opportunity to promote their project in the Commonwealth countries.

The Digital Award nominees receive a special status as projects recommended by the CIS Digital Development Committee for implementation.
Independent award of the CIS Digital Development Committee for project teams using new digital technologies in business.

The prize is awarded for digital transformation cases.

Digital transformation teams are eligible to participate in the Awards free of charge.
The project was implemented or started during 2019-2020

The project has a specific final or intermediate result

The project corresponds to one of the tracks in the nominations

Check out the regulations on the procedure for awarding the "Digital Nomination"
digital nomination 2021
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© International convention digital partnership, Competence Center of education and acceleration of the CIS InterState Program of Innovative Cooperation, Association of Accelerators, Global Skill University
All rights reserved. 2024